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Candlemaking Tools and Supplies
While you can start making great candles with the basic minimum amount of materials you may require specific tools and supplies as you graduate in the art of making candles. Here again there are some products that you can concoct out of the items that are already present in your house. At the same time you will also be able to find special tools in the craft shop that are meant specifically for making candles. From melting pots to thermometers and scales and different kinds of wax and wicks you will want to try your hand at the more complex candle making as you go further.
In addition to that there are also specific optional items like candle dye and fragrances that you can create. Some people also like to embellish their candles with different designs to make them look even more professional and pleasing. So gather all the molds and other tools and get going.
Types of Wax for Candle Making
Candle Wicks
Melting and Pouring System
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